These conditions of carriage and all services connected to them comply with the laws regulating the sale of services in Italy, to guarantee the protection of the passenger and his luggage.


Italtours reserves the right to anticipate the hotel pick up service by up to 30 minutes due to traffic congestion or traffic problems.

The start time of the tour coincides with the booking time made and not with the passengers boarding the vehicle. Any delay by the customer will never be made up for during the duration of the tour, for obvious and obvious reasons for bookings after the established time with other customers. If the tour starts late due to the actual delay of the driver, the start of the tour will coincide with the passengers boarding. If for customer reasons due to any cause the tour ends earlier than the agreed time, the lost time will not be recovered in any case and no refund will be due to the customer for the choice made.


This specific service concerns the availability of the driver and the vehicle during the hours previously booked by the customer.

The departure time of the arrangement coincides with the time indicated during the booking phase and not with the time of boarding of the customer or customers.

Therefore, if for example, due to any problem the customer had, instead of getting on the van at 08.00 as agreed, he had to get on the van at 09.00 or later, the departure time of the tour will always be from 08.00, of previous booking, unless the customer and the driver agree otherwise.

This service does not concern travel or transfers but only the availability of the driver and vehicle on the predetermined route in which customers can move to a specific place or from a specific place to another with a maximum limit of 50 km in the case of non-compliant provisions. less than 4 hours.

Beyond 50 km, an additional fee will be applied for each additional km travelled. The provision of the driver does not concern other services such as English speaking guide or driver.

The minimum duration of the provision service is 6 hours. Each hour exceeding the minimum duration has a cost automatically calculated at the time of online booking.

The provision service lasting more than 12 hours must be agreed separately.


The transfer to and from Civitavecchia will be carried out according to the booking conditions, and in any case never with a number exceeding 8 passengers, never with a number of bags exceeding the maximum available. The transfer booked with a false declaration of luggage or people, with a number exceeding the one booked, will not be carried out, unless the customer pays the difference for the number of fewer people declared and the same for luggage not declared at the time of booking. The customer has the obligation not to cause damage to the van during transport by dirtying the van itself in any way. Any damage will be paid by the customer and in case of non-payment the customer will be reported for damage and vandalism. The transfer will be carried out according to the times and costs given at the time of booking and it will not be possible for the customer to anticipate or postpone the departure unless agreements are made with the driver or the company with which he booked. Any variation requested by the customer and not agreed with the driver and/or the agency with which he booked the service will be in vain and the customer who requests variations on the booked service without agreements will not be entitled to any refund. We remind customers that drivers work over time and if sooner or later they miss a service due to the customer's delay, for whatever reason, this will constitute damage to the drivers themselves. The maximum waiting time for a service booked from Civitavecchia port is 15 minutes, after which the driver himself will be exonerated from any liability due if he refuses to carry out the service, unless the responsibilities were not directly of the driver himself or of the port structure.


For direct extra-urban transfers (without stopping), the fare is calculated on a per kilometer basis, in the case of picking up the customer from a specific place and dropping off the customer in another location or vice versa.


The accepted payment methods are those available on the website during the online booking phase.


The customer can cancel the reservation by writing to us, by e-mail or by telephone.

If the Customer has already paid in whole or in part (by depositing a deposit), cancellation of the car rental service with driver or complementary services is accepted without penalty at least three days before the service is performed. Cancellation with a 50% penalty is accepted within 24 hours before the service.

A penalty equal to 70% of the amount of the service will be applied to cancellations received between 12 and 24 hours from the start of the service. Cancellations made less than 12 hours cannot be refunded in any way.

In the event of a canceled flight or a delay of more than 30 minutes with respect to the pre-established departure date or pre-established arrival time, unless unable to do so due to a delay during the flight, the customer is obliged to call our number or by email to be able to contact them. ensure the presence of one of our staff upon arrival.

In case of booking to and from Civitavecchia or with tours, arriving from Fiumicino or Ciampino airport, failure to send the notice of delay or canceled flight in the last 12 hours excludes the right to have the car available.

in case of arrival delayed by more than 1 hour compared to the predetermined or postponed time, an increased penalty will be applied equal to the entire amount on the price paid for the next booked service for the loss caused by the failure to provide the service.


The cars are all recently registered and covered by insurance for those transported and in compliance with the circulation permits in force in Italy and Europe.

In case of impossibility to transport passengers to the booked and paid destination for specific reasons under its control using its own vehicles and the means of external collaborators, Italtours will arrange the transfer with external means (TAXI, rental with driver, rental car) or if not possible to subsequently reimburse the customer for the cost of such transport upon presentation of the receipt/invoice. The reimbursement for the transfer cannot exceed the rates in force for the same agreed route.

The transport of passengers is entirely covered by insurance taken out for your vehicles with third parties. Passenger property is transported entirely under the responsibility of the passenger who declares ownership upon boarding. Check the correspondence of your luggage upon departure as responsibility for loss or damage cannot be accepted.


The Customer cannot:

  • smoking during transportation;
  • eat meals inside the van;
  • throwing objects from both stationary and moving vehicles;
  • soil, soil or damage the vehicle;
  • demand the transport of pets without having adopted, in agreement with the renter, all useful measures to avoid damage or soiling of the vehicle;
  • demand that the transport be carried out in violation of the safety and behavior rules established by the current Highway Code.
  • delay the scheduled departure of the tour or transfer beyond the pre-established time by more than 15 minutes, both at the beginning of the tour and at the end of the tour: In this case, a surcharge penalty of 30 euros will be applied for every half hour of delay. In case of delay for a scheduled tour, the lost waiting time will be deducted from the tour total.
  • expect inappropriate stops except in case of emergency during transportation or the scheduled tour. Any delay will in any case be re-counted with an additional cost of 30 euros for each half hour of delay and cannot be recovered to end the tour beyond the due time.
  • expect to personally change the predetermined tour program without having previously agreed with the driver on said change and provided that it is compatible with the initially planned route.


Any object or animal transported travels under the personal responsibility of those transported.

The customer is obliged to report to us as soon as possible any problems resulting from disservices or shortcomings directly attributable to our work. We will take steps to quickly resolve any inconvenience and loss to the full satisfaction of the customer.


Each passenger can carry up to 1 suitcase with them, any excess baggage must be declared at the time of booking by paying any supplement. It is essential to declare exactly the number of bags that will have to be transported to avoid that our van is not suitable for such transport or there is a need for an additional van or car with any additional costs to be borne by the customer.

It remains at the discretion of the drivers to load undeclared bulky objects or excess suitcases or which do not meet the conditions for safe transport onto the vehicles. (broken, dirty, wet suitcases etc...).

For safety reasons, luggage in the case of tours from ship or airport to the city does not follow the tour but is taken to the hotel before the Rome on Rome tour.


Italtours undertakes in every reasonable way to ensure that its vehicles or vehicles driven by external collaborators arrive on time for the departure and arrival appointments at the destination, and will not in any case be held responsible for delays due to causes beyond its control (accidents, road blocks, strikes, etc etc.).

Italtours cannot be held responsible for any costs and losses due to delays and errors not directly attributable to our competences.

Italtours cannot recognize any refund if the cause of the disservice depends on factors external to its organization, such as political events and demonstrations, strikes, road blocks, unforeseeable accidents that objectively impede circulation, incorrect and/or non-existent addresses, traffic congestion. roads or any other unforeseeable cause.


Italtours reserves the right to vary these agreements partially or entirely at any time without giving notice to customers, members, tour operators or agencies.


Any dispute or controversy regarding the activities carried out between Italtours and the Customer will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome (Italy).